30th Annual Horse Drive
June 2025 Currently On Hold Due To Trail Conditions
Please email to be added to our contact update list for information!
Experience the thrill of crossing hills, farms and streams as we take our camp horses and mules up the unbelievable Teanaway river basin. Lead by High Country Outfitters professional outfitter guide service, we move stock from their spring pasture on the lower Teanaway Valley to the summer base camp near the headwaters of the North Fork Teanaway River.
Day 1: Meet at Camp Wahoo. You will be shuttled to the starting point where the horses will be waiting. The days ride will take us up on to the Cle Elum Ridge to the first campsite at the Teanaway Campground on the West Fork of the Teanaway River where we will spend the first night.
Day 2: This day of riding will meander through the trails on a beautiful ride in the high country above Cle Elum to the popular horse camp at Indian Camp on the Middle Fork of the Teanaway River.
Day 3: We will then head on to the Teanaway Butte and into the Wenatchee National Forest, camping on Stafford Creek. The Stafford Creek campsite will have us in position to head in to the High Country Outfitters summer base camp of operation the following afternoon.
Day 4: Depending on the snow melt, we will have the option to ride on the scenic Miller Peak trail from Stafford Creek or directly to the camp along Teanaway Trail. Either way this is a great day in the saddle.
Your gear will be transported from camp to camp via truck and trailer so you can bring all you need to be comfortable. All meals and camping gear is provided. Just bring your sleeping bag and air mattress.
PRICES: (individual) 
2 days - $450.00
3 days - $675.00
4 days - $800.00 All packages subject to WSST
This is a great outing for groups up to 12! Contact us for group rates.